Elina Naydenova is a biomedical & AI engineer, with a PhD in Machine Learning for Healthcare Innovation from Oxford University. She is the CEO & co-founder of Feebris.
Transforming Community Health Case Study Series: Care Workers in Care Homes
Feebris CEO & Co-founder Elina Naydeonva explores the barriers why Remote Patient Monitoring hasn't scaled further and quicker.
Founder and CEO of Feebris, Elina Naydenova joined TechRound’s healthtech roundup to discuss the direction she thinks remote monitoring is heading.
CEO and Founder of Feebris, Elina Naydenova, talks to We Are Tech Women as part of their Inspirational Women series.
CEO and Founder of Feebris; Elina Naydenova joins TechRound and a wide array of tech experts to make AI Predictions for 2021.
Our CEO and Founder of Feebris spoke with Health Tech News to provide her predictions for how healthcare technology will develop in 2021.
Feebris CEO Elina Naydenova discusses what winning 'Female Entrepreneur of the Year' means and why it's important to innovate with courage.
Published in the AI Journal, Feebris discusses the opportunities to implement AI to bridge gaps between primary and social care.
We talk to StartUps Magazine about Feebris’ origin and fighting both COVID-19 and healthcare inequalities.
Our CEO and Founder, Elina Naydenova, joined Clare Delmar on the One HealthTech podcast to talk about the importance of health technology in care homes.
In Partnership with Care City, Feebris awarded Techforce19 challenge funding.
In collaboration with Network 24 Haymarket and Innovate UK we successfully secure seed funding.
Elina was awarded the prestigious Children's Prize to lead the development and implementation of a child health programme in Mumbai, India.
We join the business programme dedicated to help startups integrate into the UK's health system.
We're excited to be accepted onto this accelerator that's dedicated to de-risking startups and helping them grow.